Several templates are available to include or extend from in the components folder
- alert
- badge
- breadcrumbs
- button
- dropdowns
- list groups
- modal
- nav
- offcanvas
- pagination
- progressbar
- spinner
- toast
Tooltips and Popovers can be achieved with the button component. They will be automatically initiated on page load.
All components have to be imported with {% import "components/_components" as components %}
All options can be omitted in the examples below, these are the default values.
All this components are templates that can also be extended from, see there
{{ components.alert({ type: 'primary', dismissable: true, show: true, body: '' }) }}
{{ components.badge({ color: 'primary', body: '', pill: false, tag: 'span', classes: '' }) }}
and tooltip
are both set, popover will be disabled. tag will be forced to 'button' if popover is on.
relates to tooltips and popovers.
{{ components.button({ tag: 'a', link: false, size: 'normal', color: 'primary', outlined: false, newTab: false, download: false, label: '', popover_title: false, //text/html popover_content: false, //text/html tooltip: false, //text/html html_tooltip: false, placement: 'right', dismiss_popover_on_click: false }) }}
{{ components.modal({ static: false, fade: true, id: null, //Random one will be generated id null keyboard: true, scrollable: false, vcentered: false, size: false, fullscreen: false, title: 'Modal title', close_label: 'Close', header: false, //false to display a default header, text/html otherwise body: null, footer: false, //false to display a default footer, text/html otherwise }) }}
Gain more control by extending the template :
{% extends 'components/modal' %} {% set static = false %} {% block header %} <h2>Title</h2> {% endblock %} {% block body %} <p>Content</p> {% endblock %} {% block footer %} <p>Footer</p> {% endblock %}
{{ components.navItem({ active: false, disabled: false, toggle: '', //Overridden by dropdown if set dropdown: '', //Can be html link: '', label: '', tag: 'li', link_tag: 'a', target: '', classes: '', id: '' }) }} {{ components.navItems([]) }} //Array of items as defined above {{ components.nav({ alignment: 'start', vertical: false, tabs: false, pills: false, fill: false, justified: false, classes: '', tag: 'ul', id: '', items: '' //Can be used with navItems([]) as described above }) }}
{{ components.offCanvas({ position: 'start', title: 'Offcanvas', id: null, //Random one will be generated if null body_scrolling: false, body_backdrop: false, label_id: null, //Will be equal to id-'label' if not set header: false, //false to display a default header, text/html otherwise body: null //text/html }) }}
Gain more control by extending the template :
{% extends 'components/offcanvas' %} {% set position = 'start' %} {% block header %} <h2>Title</h2> {% endblock %} {% block body %} <p>Content</p> {% endblock %}
{{ components.paginationItem({ label: '', link: '#', aria_label: false, disabled: false, active: false }) }} {{ components.paginationItems([]) }} //Array of items as defined above {{ components.pagination({ alignment: 'start', //start, center or end size: false, //false, sm or lg items: '' //Can be used with paginationItems([]) as described above }) }}
Progress bar
{{ components.progressBar({ current: 0, min: 0, max: 100, color: 'primary', content: '', height: false //Any valid css value }) }}
{{ components.spinner({ color: 'primary', type: 'border', //border or grow hiddenMessage: 'Loading...', small: false, classes: '', }) }}
{{ components.toast({ fade: true, show: true, id: null, //Random one will be generated if null, header: false, //false to display a default header, text/html otherwise body: null, close_label: 'Close' }) }}
{{ components.breadcrumbItem({ label: '', link: '#', active: false, include_link: true }) }} {{ components.breadcrumbItems([]) }} //Array of items as defined above {{ components.breadcrumbs({ items: null, //can be used with breadcrumbItems([]) as described above divider: false }) }}
List groups
{{ components.listGroupItem({ disabled: false, body: null, classes: '', tag: 'li' }) }} {{ components.listGroupItems([]) }} //Array of items as defined above {{ components.listGroup({ flush: false, numbered: false, horizontal: false, tag: 'ul', classes: '', items: null, //can be used with listGroupItems([]) as described above }) }}
{{ components.dropdownItem({ link: '#', label: '' }) }} {{ components.dropdownItems([]) }} //Array of items as defined above {{ components.dropdown({ tag: 'a', classes: 'btn btn-primary', id: null, //If null a random one will be generated link: '#', label: '', split: false, dark: false, drop: false, //'up', 'start' or 'end' splitHiddenMessage: 'Toggle Dropdown', items: null, //can be used with dropdownItems([]) as described above }) }}