
Several templates are available to include or extend from in the components folder

Tooltips and Popovers can be achieved with the button component. They will be automatically initiated on page load.

All components have to be imported with {% import "components/_components" as components %}
All options can be omitted in the examples below, these are the default values.
All this components are templates that can also be extended from, see there


{{ components.alert({
    type: 'primary',
    dismissable: true,
    show: true,
    body: ''
}) }}


{{ components.badge({
    color: 'primary',
    body: '',
    pill: false,
    tag: 'span',
    classes: ''
}) }}


popover and tooltip are both set, popover will be disabled. tag will be forced to 'button' if popover is on.
placement relates to tooltips and popovers.

{{ components.button({
    tag: 'a',
    link: false,
    size: 'normal',
    color: 'primary',
    outlined: false,
    newTab: false,
    download: false,
    label: '',
    popover_title: false,  //text/html
    popover_content: false,  //text/html
    tooltip: false,  //text/html
    html_tooltip: false,
    placement: 'right',
    dismiss_popover_on_click: false
}) }}


{{ components.modal({
    static: false,
    fade: true,
    id: null, //Random one will be generated id null
    keyboard: true,
    scrollable: false,
    vcentered: false,
    size: false,
    fullscreen: false,
    title: 'Modal title',
    close_label: 'Close',
    header: false, //false to display a default header, text/html otherwise
    body: null,
    footer: false, //false to display a default footer, text/html otherwise
}) }}

Gain more control by extending the template :

{% extends 'components/modal' %}

{% set static = false %}

{% block header %}
{% endblock %}

{% block body %}
{% endblock %}

{% block footer %}
{% endblock %}


{{ components.navItem({
    active: false,
    disabled: false,
    toggle: '',   //Overridden by dropdown if set
    dropdown: '', //Can be html
    link: '',
    label: '',
    tag: 'li',
    link_tag: 'a',
    target: '',
    classes: '',
    id: ''
}) }}

{{ components.navItems([]) }} //Array of items as defined above

{{ components.nav({
    alignment: 'start',
    vertical: false,
    tabs: false,
    pills: false,
    fill: false,
    justified: false,
    classes: '',
    tag: 'ul',
    id: '',
    items: '' //Can be used with navItems([]) as described above
}) }}


{{ components.offCanvas({
    position: 'start',
    title: 'Offcanvas',
    id: null, //Random one will be generated if null
    body_scrolling: false,
    body_backdrop: false,
    label_id: null, //Will be equal to id-'label' if not set
    header: false, //false to display a default header, text/html otherwise
    body: null     //text/html
}) }}

Gain more control by extending the template :

{% extends 'components/offcanvas' %}

{% set position = 'start' %}

{% block header %}
{% endblock %}

{% block body %}
{% endblock %}


{{ components.paginationItem({
    label: '',
    link: '#',
    aria_label: false,
    disabled: false,
    active: false
}) }}

{{ components.paginationItems([]) }} //Array of items as defined above

{{ components.pagination({
    alignment: 'start', //start, center or end
    size: false,        //false, sm or lg
    items: ''           //Can be used with paginationItems([]) as described above
}) }}

Progress bar

{{ components.progressBar({
    current: 0,
    min: 0,
    max: 100,
    color: 'primary',
    content: '',
    height: false //Any valid css value
}) }}


{{ components.spinner({
    color: 'primary',
    type: 'border',  //border or grow
    hiddenMessage: 'Loading...',
    small: false,
    classes: '',
}) }}


{{ components.toast({
    fade: true,
    show: true,
    id: null,  //Random one will be generated if null,
    header: false, //false to display a default header, text/html otherwise
    body: null,
    close_label: 'Close'
}) }}


{{ components.breadcrumbItem({
    label: '',
    link: '#',
    active: false,
    include_link: true
}) }}

{{ components.breadcrumbItems([]) }} //Array of items as defined above

{{ components.breadcrumbs({
    items: null, //can be used with breadcrumbItems([]) as described above
    divider: false
}) }}

List groups

{{ components.listGroupItem({
    disabled: false,
    body: null,
    classes: '',
    tag: 'li'
}) }}

{{ components.listGroupItems([]) }} //Array of items as defined above

{{ components.listGroup({
    flush: false,
    numbered: false,
    horizontal: false,
    tag: 'ul',
    classes: '',
    items: null, //can be used with listGroupItems([]) as described above
}) }}


{{ components.dropdownItem({
    link: '#',
    label: ''
}) }}

{{ components.dropdownItems([]) }} //Array of items as defined above

{{ components.dropdown({
    tag: 'a',
    classes: 'btn btn-primary',
    id: null,   //If null a random one will be generated
    link: '#',
    label: '',
    split: false,
    dark: false,
    drop: false,  //'up', 'start' or 'end'
    splitHiddenMessage: 'Toggle Dropdown',
    items: null, //can be used with dropdownItems([]) as described above
}) }}
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